Ethical Considerations

When conducting investigations with users it is important that ethical clearance is obtained to protect participants (the users). The participant should be informed in a detailed document exactly what the purpose of the study is and what is required of them, which they are required to sign in acknowledgement that they understand the study they are involved in. Alongside this, the mode of which data is being recorded should also be transparent to the participant. If at any time the participant wishes to withdrawal from the study, they are free to do so and may ask that all of their collected data is also removed.

Additional to collecting data, all participant information when recorded should be pseudonymised and any published data should be anonymised. This is in keeping with the main purpose of ethics to protect the participant.

When conducting user-centred studies, it is important that data protection and information governance is adhered to. This information relates to the safeguarding of participants information in the storage and distribution of data. Current legislation and additional information within the UK can be found on the NHS health research authority website. For other countries, please check your local government websites for advice.

All ethical applications need to be reviewed and approved by a Research Ethics Committee (REC), who are independent of research sponsors, thus allowing them to ensure that the participants are properly protected. The health research authority have additional information on ensuring that research is carried out correctly and describing the REC review process.